Resolutions vs. Results

Remember The List? Well, I can proudly announce that it's coming along pretty damn well! I've recently tackled one major task of 2013 - got my driver's license. I've been stressing out about that for the past month, and all this stress paid off first try. I've heard lots of legends and rumors about the Lithuanian DMV aka Regitra, but now that I've been through this myself I can't say one bad word about it. Well, except maybe for the crappy photo booth where you have to take a picture for your license. It totally distorts your face and turns you into a vampire. In my case, a pretty fat vampire. Maybe it's their crazy way of preventing people from breaking the law while driving - you know, so nobody, including the police officers, would see your monster face. On Friday I'm finally gonna get my driver's license card and hopefully drive back home as a new official road threat. With this new obsession playing in the background:

In other news, I've also found a job. Another thing crossed off the list! So in 2 weeks time I'm moving to Germany and gonna start a new exciting adventure. But more on that next time.

2 thoughts on “Resolutions vs. Results

Anonymous said...

sveikinu! Great achievements!

mon said...

Ačiū, Laima!

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