Free My Owl Barn calendar and some of my other discoveries

Last week while looking through the DIY blogs that I follow, I stumbled upon this awesome My Owl Barn calendar for 2013. I am a total owlover and a sucker for cute DIY thingies, so I've already made my own copy. It's also a great Christmas present, I know I would be really happy to get it! It's possible to customize it by choosing the image for every month. These owl pictures are made by various artists and I was surprised to see a Lithuanian last name on the list. Apparently, this guy Nathan Jurevicius is an Australian artist with Lithuanian roots! He even explores Lithuanian folklore in some of his works, like the mini figurine series called Miško (from forest in Lithuanian):

It seems that Nathan is really fond of owls, cause I've also found this amazing(ly childish, but yet still super awesome) watch designed by him that I'd kill to have. 

Now you realize that the owlover part was an underestimation. I should call myself Crazy Owlady (imagine this, with owls instead of cats:

Anyways, there are only 150 of these watches, so it makes it even more special. If only I had 80 bucks lying around... I know it's too late to get it for Christmas, but maybe my birthday next year? Although it's probably weird to ask for something like this when you're turning 24...

Good night,

Crazy Owlady M.

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